Friday, April 15, 2011

Stop The Insanity

I am not sure I should post this on Thoughts on the Run or Know Moore News because of the ridiculousness of it so I will run this on both sites.

Donald Trump is considered by many republicans to be a viable candidate for a presidential run in 2012. Yes, the family values party now thinks the thrice married, reality television host, and real estate tycoon could be a better candidate next year than any number of a slew of no names being mentioned.

On top of this, he has been applauded for questioning President Obama on the major issue of... is Obama really an American citizen? Couldn't he at least go after him on a real issue like the choices he made on this year's NCAA Basketball bracket? If there is anyone out there who still believes Obama is not a U.S. citizen born on American soil then please file your papers to run for the political office of your choice. I am sure you will have no trouble finding wealthy republicans to finance your campaign.

Trump running for president makes about as much sense as letting Don King handle your money. You know it's a bad idea and watch in amazement when others disagree. Nothing good can come of this unless you host a late night talk show.

However, I get it. I understand why republicans support the guy. He has plenty of money to challenge Obama giving republicans time to groom the candidate of their choice for 2016 when the office is more winnable. Still, are republicans aware if they run with Trump, intelligent Americans, a disappearing breed, will never take them serious again. Fortunately for them, if Trump does run, plenty of voters, the few who are wealthy and the many who believe reality shows like The Apprentice are actually real, will vote for him.

Imagine, if that happens, Trump will have to downsize by moving into the White House, take a huge pay cut, and deal with problems he never imagined he would have to handle. In other words, he would get a good taste of what the rest of us have to deal with thanks to eight years of George Bush's economics.

Will someone please stop the insanity?

1 comment:

Daniel Jorgensen said...

Ventura was voted Gov. of MN, Sarah Palin was taken seriously last year...nothing surprises me anymore.