In February, a middle school girl was held down by a group of classmates in a city park and raped multiple times in Banning, California. It was the type of crime that drew multiple front page stories and over the ensuing months we have had a chance to see our judicial process play out.
For three of the rapists, each thirteen years old, it served to initiate them into the reality that our justice system hands out nothing more than slaps on the wrist for horrific crimes. The courts have decided the three are free to return to their parents or a group home after just 120 days of timed served in juvenile hall.
It appears we have lowered our standards of expected behavior so much that now thirteen year old boys may gang rape a young girl and be free to live their lives after just two months. Sure, they are on parole which means nothing when you realize how over loaded parole officers are with cases to follow. Meanwhile, these rapists are free to return to their normal lives, participate in school activities, and maybe, although highly unlikely, even rehabilitate themselves while their victim is left with a lifetime of emotional and physical scars to overcome.
On top of this, each of these monsters will be afforded their right to privacy given that they are minors. Teachers, classmates, and parents of classmates will not be allowed to know what these sick deviates have done because it might interfere with their right to live a normal life. It does not dawn on the courts that normal thirteen year old boys do not go around gang raping classmates. A normal thirteen year old knows the difference between right an wrong. They know what lines can never be crossed and never think to approach those lines.
Our courts, in their wisdom, have decided to release these predators while crossing their fingers they do not go on to lives of violent criminal activity that result in additional innocent lives being destroyed. What they fail to admit is any thirteen year old who participates in a gang rape is not worthy of living, let alone being allowed a normal life. They do not deserve to move forward in life and enjoy all our society has to offer while their victim is left to live with nightmares, depression, and a feeling of why hasn't the system stood up for her. These thirteen year old rapists have already proven beyond any doubt they do not respect or value human life. Why should they be spared theirs?
Perhaps these three were wired wrong at birth or were raised in a horrible environment. That is no excuse. Maybe if these young rapists were tossed in a cell with criminals twice their age, they might begin to realize the severity of their acts. Then again, why not just expand the use of the death penalty and show everyone we will not tolerate or support the lives of people who have no appreciation for it.
When our society allows citizens of any age to destroy the life of another person in the manner these teenage mutant predators have done, we all become guilty of raping that young girl. 120 days served; what a joke.
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