Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Keep An Open Mind

Welcome to my first entry. If this finds anyone out there in cyber world, please let me know.
Why a blog? Well, for starters, I have plenty of time on my hands these days. I am getting paid to stay home from work which is something I will write about at a later date. This blog will allow me to speak my mind without the editorial constraints of the local newspapers or one of my bosses telling me to shut up. It will hopefully allow me to reach people beyond the Hemet/San Jacinto Valley while maybe serving to encourage colleagues to do the same.
Having spent the last twenty-four years of life working as a teacher, I have to admit I am fed up with the education system in this (take your pick) district, state, and nation. So yes, I will write about education issues that bug me. However, since my blog is a form of self expression, I plan to write about more than what I feel is a screwed up education system.
I love the news, sports, politics, and current events so I plan to write about these as well. I will throw in the occasional line from a favorite song, quote from someone well known, and comment from someone I talked to.
I love hearing opinions from others and really do not care whether or no they agree with me. Heck, lots of times I don't agree with me.
So, if you do not like what I write, feel free to let me know. Just keep it civil and I will too. Like the saying goes, "Keep an open mind, you never know what might drop into it."

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